Sunday, September 25, 2016

Words their Way in a 1:1 Classroom

Words their Way in a 1:1 classroom has never been easier for student success and ease of instruction.  Each word list can be completed during a five day cycle or it can easily be adapted to ten days of lessons.

Day 1 - Student Self-Paced Lessons

Students watch an interactive self-paced video lesson for the new sort of the week. Students can stop the lesson at any time to review the concepts and patterns being taught. After completing the video lesson, students write their new word list in their planners.

I love using Explain Everything to record weekly lessons.  Explain Everything is easy and quick to use. Once the videos are complete, I upload them to YouTube as an unlisted video.  Remember to create play lists to keep videos organized. Below an an example of a lesson that I created.

Within Word Pattern - Sort 8 Short u - Long u

Day 2  Word Sort / Speed Sort

Students open their Word Sort and Speed Sort  in Schoology and send it to Notability. When completed, they send it back to Schoolgy to be checked.
Word Sort
Students write their Word Pattern in the top highlighted box.  They sort their words under the correct word pattern. Students write each word under the correct word pattern. 

Speed Sort
Students set the timer on their iPads and then sort their word list three different times. After each sort, students record how long it took them. 

Day 3 Buddy Sort / Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Board

Students download the Buddy Sort from Schoology to Notability. They work with a partner giving each other the words. When finished, students check each other's work. They turn in their assignment after it is completed.

Giving students a choice is one of the best ways for them to take ownership of their learning.  Students are also engaged and have the opportunity to show their learning and thinking.  This board may be used for several days as an extension of the weekly lesson. Feel free to copy the link and change it as you feel appropriate. 

Stick Around
Tips for using Stick Around by iPad Educators
 One of our favorite apps to use with Words Their Way is Stick Around.  Students can create puzzles that tie in with their weekly word pattern. They send their puzzles to Schoology to share with classmates. Students can then solve and play each others' puzzles.

+Ann Feldmann created a video on how to share Stick Around Puzzles to Schoology.

Since I have different groups in Words Their Way, I am able to create specific groups and assign their weekly words in SpellingCity.  You are able to search for word lists already created to import to your class.  Another great feature is the vocabulary component that reinforces and helps teach the meaning of each spelling word.  It is a great tool to use to differentiate spelling instruction and students are engaged.  You can get test results for each child, and it also has a writing component.  Students can also use it at home.

In Popplet students create word maps of each spelling pattern.  They can also write the definition and part of speech to each word.  Popplet is a great app for students to visually learn their word patterns.

Doceri is a free interactive whiteboard for the iPad.  There are so many possibilities in using this app with Words Their Way.  Students can show their learning and practice placing their words in the correct word pattern.  After they have saved their recording, students can view their video from their camera roll, send it directly to YouTube, or app smash it to iMovie to create their spelling video.  Each student listens to him/herself to critique their fluency and understanding of their spelling words and patterns.  This is another powerful way for students to self-assess. 
Created by Brie

Explain Everything
Explain Everything from MorrisCooke
Explain Everything is an app we use in all curricular areas.  Students can create a video of their spelling sentences using Explain Everything. They can record themselves reading each of their sentences. Students can send their work directly to YouTube, or they can app smash it to iMovie and create a movie video.  
Here is an example on how students can create spelling sentences using Explain Everything and app smash to iMovie. 

Students can create their Words their Way list for their classmates to play.  It's simple and easy for students to use.  They just type each word and record.  An added bonus, they have to record themselves using each word in a sentence.

Using TeleStory, your students can creatively show the word patterns for their weekly list. It is a fun and engaging way for students to create a quick video showing their learning. 

Macie's Video - Plural Endings -s and -es

Alex's Video - Present and Past Tense Verbs

By using ChatterPix, students can show their learning of their word patterns by creating talking pictures. Students have the ability to bring stories to life. All you have to do is upload your image, draw a mouth, and record. 
Richard Byrne ChatterPix

Bayler's Video - Short o - Long o

Andrew's Video - Unusual Past-Tense Words

Day 5 - Words their Way - Testing Day

All groups take their WTW test at the same time. This is such a time saver!! I record the weekly lists on QuickTime Player and simply upload to Schoolgy.  All groups can easily take their WTW simultaneously. 

I would love how others are incorporating Words their Way into the curriculum.

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