Sunday, December 15, 2013

1:1 iPad Classroom

 I am a third grade teacher, and this is my twenty-eighth year in the education profession.  I thrive on change!  I have taught special education, first, second, and third grade and was an elementary counselor for six years.  I am passionate about my students, teaching, and learning!  I love using technology to enhance learning opportunities.  

Even though I have my students blog, this is my first experience at blogging so I know I have a lot to learn! I have to admit my students are probably more comfortable at this than I am!

I recently found out that my third grade class will be a 1:1 iPad classroom starting in January.  I am excited for the opportunity to become part of the iPad Academy.  They are a dynamic group of educators, that I am looking forward to learning a lot from!

My third graders have recently been sharing one iPad to create iMovies, a Keynote presentation for a kindergarten classroom, a Haiku Deck, and an iBook.  The even used QR codes to research our social studies essential objective focusing on Jamestown!

Come January, my classroom instruction will look different.  I am up for the challenge and am ecstatic that I will truly be able to differentiate instruction. 

Our Haiku Deck- A Gift from the Heart A Gift from the Heart

Our third Grade Classroom Blog Kidblog-Third Grade Blog 
My third grade team would love comments on their blog posts!

For my third graders and I, January cannot come soon enough!